Consent to Locate
Consent to locate is required from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) under the Energy Act prior to locating an offshore installation in UK waters.
In considering an application, the Department evaluates the risk and inconvenience to shipping to ensure this is within acceptable levels. The information required by the Department to make their judgement on a consent to locate application is summarised below:
- Evidence of shipping movements in proximity to the proposed location
- Likely changes in movements resulting from the installation
- The constraints imposed upon local navigation by the installation
- The danger of passing vessels colliding with the installation
- The increased danger of ships colliding with each other, or having misfortune, as a result of needing to avoid the installation if appropriate, the scope for reducing risk by taking counter measures
Anatec can provide all the above information using a combination of our in-house survey data, ShipRoutes database, COLLRISK collision risk assessment software and maritime experience. Standard measures to mitigate the potential risk can also be reviewed.
A consent to locate variation is also required for changes to an existing consent due to a deviation from the standard marking schedule, which may be necessary if a platform is being cold stacked prior to decommissioning and removal.
Consent to Locate is also needed for DESNZ to issue a Pipeline Works Authorisation (PWA) consent. This requires a similar level of supporting data as for an offshore installation.